May 11, 2009

Skirk, the unforgivable

Pilgrims on the grave of Sheikh El Kamel, in his mausoleum in Meknes, Morocco, pleading to intercede (Astaghfor Allah)

“…Worship God! You have no other god but Him…” (Qur’an 7:59, 7:65, 7:73, 7:85; 11:50, 11:61, 11:84; 23:23)

Assalamou ‘alykum

Yesterday, I went to a Akika. I was invited and specified that there would be no men. So when I arrived, the meal was ready and al hamdoulillah every thing was fine. But when all the guests had finished, the music started.
At the beginning I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics because I was talking to my cousin about our children. But when we stopped I started listening to the music. It was a traditional one called “ACHAHBI”: the lyrics talk about the power of some Sheikhs (holly dead people) that can cure any kind of disease, help you to have children, or to get husband!)
And the worst, some women started to dance like if they were in trance

I was seeing myself in a jahilya assembly. I told my cousin what I felt, and she agreed with me. But alhamdoulillah, they finished by changing the kind of music.

Back home, I didn’t feel very comfortable. So I talked about my feelings to my husband. What should I do next time? Either I won’t go to any kind of party or I will give a chance and if it’s not OK I will go out?
On the other hand, when I am invited, all my circle know that I don’t go to mixed parties, so they always focus on the fact that THERE WILL BE NO MEN.
According to my husband, it’s a very big victory because ten years ago, nobody would have thought like that here. So with our behaviour, may be they would understand. So for him I have to go, when they say there will be no men, and try to make them understand that the choice of music is also important, and can drive you to Shirk. But I know that it will be very difficult...

In Morocco, and some others Muslim countries, there is still today a great importance given to the Sheikh or Sayid. They are seen as able to intercede for you next to God,

Islam specifies that prayer should only be directed to God.
if not repented from, and it denies the very purpose of creation.

“And do not invoke, along with God, anything that can neither benefit you nor harm you, for behold, if you do it, you will surely be among the evildoers!” (Quran 10:106)

“Shirk ( شرك‎) is the Islamic concept of the sin of polytheism specifically, but in a more general way refers to worshipping other than Allah, associating partners with him, giving his characteristics to others beside him, or not believing in his characteristics.

"1.Categories of Major Shirk
Derived from the Qur'an and the prophetic tradition (Sunnah), there are three main categories of Shirk in Islam.
1.1. Shirk in Rubūbīyah (Lordship)
This category of Shirk refers to either the belief that others share God's Lordship over creation as His equal or near equal, or to the belief that there exists no Lord over creation at all.
Shirk by association - This is the shirk concerned with associating 'others' with Allah.
Shirk by negation - This is Shirk in Rubūbīyah (Lordship)
This category of Shirk refers to either the belief that others share God's Lordship over creation as His equal or near equal, or to the belief that there exists no Lord over creation at all.
1.2. Shirk in al-Asma was-Sifat (the names and attributes of Allah)
Shirk in this category includes both the common pagan practice of giving God the attributes of His creation as well as the act of giving created beings God's names and attributes.
Shirk by humanization - In this aspect of Shirk in al-Asma was-Sifat, God is given the form and qualities of human beings and animals. Due to man's superiority over animals, the human form is more commonly used by idolaters to represent God in creation. Consequently, the image of the Creator is often painted, moulded or carved in the shape of human beings possessing the physical features of those who worship them.
Shirk by deification - This form of Shirk in al-Asma was-Sifat relates to cases where created beings or things are given or claim God's names or His attributes. For example, it was the practice of the ancient Arabs to worship idols whose names were derived from the names of God. Their main three idols were: al-Lat taken from God's name al-Elah, al-'Uzza taken from al-'Aziz and al-Manat taken from al-Mannan . During the era of Muhammad there was also a man in a region of Arabia called Yamamah, who claimed to be a prophet and took the name Rahman which, in Islam, belongs only to God.
1.3. Shirk In al-'Ibadah (Worship)
In this category of Shirk, acts of worship are directed to other than Allah and the reward for worship is sought from the creation instead of the Creator. As in the case of the previous categories, Shirk in al-'Ebadah has two main aspects.
Ash-Shirk al-Akbar (Major Shirk) - This form of Shirk occurs when any act of worship is directed to other than Allah. It represents the most obvious form of idolatry which the prophets were specifically sent by God to call the masses of mankind away from. Examples of this shirk, asking forgiveness, admittance to paradise and other things that only Allah can provide, from other than Allah.
2. Ash-Shirk al-Asghar (Minor Shirk)
Mahmud ibn Lubayd reported, "God's messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "The thing I fear for you the most is ash-Shirk al-Asghar (minor shirk)."
The companions asked "Oh! messenger of God صلى الله عليه وسلم , what is minor Shirk?"
He replied "Ar-Riya (showing off), for verily God will say on the Day of Resurrection when people are receiving their rewards, 'Go to those for whom you were showing off in the material world and see if you can find any reward from them."
· Secret Shirk
Mahmud ibn Lubayd also said, "The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم came out and announced, 'O people, beware of secret Shirk!'
The people asked, 'O messenger of God صلى الله عليه وسلم , what is secret Shirk?'
He replied, 'When a man gets up to pray and strives to beautify his prayer because people are looking at him; that is secret Shirk."
- Swearing by other than Allah
This is considered minor Shirk, unless the one who swore believes that whoever he swore by is equal to or worthy of Allah's worth.
-. Karma
Karma is a form of secret shirk because it is believing that some other worldly power can repay you with justice or injustice for your deeds in the world when the truth is only Allah (God) has power over what and when something will happen to you
-. Luck
Luck is a form of shirk because it is also entails believing that something other than Allah can bring upon good or bad.

Wa Allahou a’lam

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