Sep 20, 2009


Salamu 'alaykum ua rahmatullah

Eid mubarak said wa kul 'am ua antumbikheyr

fi amanillah


Sep 17, 2009

I already miss you

Salamu ‘alaykumu arahmatullah ua barakatuhu

The holy month is nearly finished and I feel some sadness, even if I know that laylatul qadr can be the last day. So keep on making duaa and istighfar.

May Allah give us the strenght to folow sirat al mustaquim,
to keep on being ‘conected’ with Him,
to give us peace in the heart,
to give us health and protect us from sinful act
to forgive us in order to see His face in jinat al firdaus

Ameen ya rab al ‘alamen.

Fi amanillah


Sep 10, 2009


As-Salamou 'Alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouhou

Masshallah here are the last precious 10 days!

I pray the Almighty to take advantage of these blessing days, and subhannallah I feel a little bit sad by thinking that Ramadan is sleeping, no body can say if we will meet again.
Ya rab, may accept from us our fasting, our duaa,
Make the Holy Book a light in our hearts
Make us the most respected Umma
Help us to be strong in this dunia to gain Al Firdaous al a’la to see your face
Ameen ya rab al’alamin

Fi amanillah

Sep 9, 2009


As-Salamou 'Alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouhou

By going from blog to blog, I noticed something that I didn’t perceive in my every day life and disturbed me a lot: it’s racism within the Umma.

Astarforallah, some people are bothered that the prayers are in Arabic, because they think that ‘Arabs are people who feel superior’???
Mohamed صلى الله عليه وسلم was the best of mankind not because he was Arab but thanks to his nature, and to be able to understand the Word of God, the message was in Arabic.
Moreover, the Quran will never change until the end of time. This is an aya, a miracle.
To be united, all Muslims all over the word read the same book, the same words, even if each one can explain it in his own language.

Remember that the best of us are the most pious and only The Almighty knows who they are, belonging to a certain community isn’t the key to even. But thinking that a certain category of people are bad because of their roots isn’t either the way to be a true believer.

By being a French Moroccan Muslim, unfortunately you often face racism and cliché such as the "submission of women, Arabs are thieves, and they smell off, you can’t trust them…"
But reading such stupid things among the Umma makes me sick!

Have they really understood the message?

How can we be respected if we have such bad vision about our brothers in deen?
I do see a lot of mistakes made by some Muslims, but a lot of them don’t have a great education but they are trying to increase their knowledge, that why EDUCATION and PATIENCE are the keys to unify our Umma.
This is our duty to educate first ourselves and then our family and be an example to the world for one goal: seeing the face of The Almighty

Ya rab help us to be stronger, make this Umma be the most respected and help us to reach Al Firdaous
Ameen Ya rab al ‘alameen

Fi amanillah