As-Salamou 'Alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouhou
As Muslim, if we want to be accepted WE HAVE TO GET INVOLVED in the society in which we live.
If we want to be represented and listened, we have to show that we can make THE difference.
If we keep on living hidden, alone, without any link with the non Muslim majority, how can we show the example?
If real Muslims were in important positions in France, would the hijab have been banned from school?
It’s true that there are few, not to say none, political parties in Europe that considers Islam as an important positive issue, but some of them want to fight for the human rights, and may be Muslim can be heard.
Moreover, more and more ‘visible minorities’ are involved in politics, and in chah allah more Muslims.
Btw, as a hijabee, when I enter in the vote hall, I can see the stare of some people, but I don’t care (I try to in fact...).
I AM A MUSLIM FRENCH CITIZEN. Nobody can tell me go home because France is my land. At the end of the day, if I will not be accepted, next generations will in chah allah.
Even if for some Muslims, ‘voting for non Muslim is haram’, I don’t see the bad thing in getting involved in the society in which I live. And is there today any real democratic Muslim country?
Here is what Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi thinks about Democracy.
'It is the duty of the Islamic Movement in the coming phase to stand firm against totalitarian and dictatorial rule, political despotism and usurpation of people's right.
The Islamic Movement should always stand by political freedom, as represented by a true, not false, democracy. It should clearly declare its refusal of tyrants and steer clear of all dictators, even if some tyrants appear to have good intentions towards the Movement in order to obtain some gains and only for a time that is usually short, as has been shown by experience.
The Qur'an denounces tyrants such as Nimrudh, Pharoah, Haman and others, but it also dispraises those who follow tyrants and obey their orders. This is why Allah dispraises the people of Nuh saying : And (they) followed one whose wealth and children give him no increase but only loss.Allah says of the people of Hud: And (they) followed the command of every proud obstinate (oppressor of the truth, from their leaders) (Quran 11:59)
Allah also says of the people of Pharaoh: But they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was no right guide. (Quran 11:97) And they obeyed him. Verily , they were a people who were rebellious (against Allah). (Quran 43:54)
A closer look at the history of the Muslim Ummah and the Islamic Movement in modern times should show clearly that the Islamic Ideology, the Islamic Movement and the Islamic Awakening have never flourished or borne fruit unless in an atmosphere of democracy and freedom , and have withered and become barren only at the times of oppression and tyranny that trod over the will of the people which clung to Islam.
Such oppressive regimes imposed their Secularism, Socialism or Communism on their people by force and coercion, using covert torture and public executions, and employing those devilish tools that tore flesh, shed blood , crushed bones and destroyed souls.We saw these practices in many Muslim countries including Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Iraq South Yemen, Somalia and North African States for varying periods of time, depending on the age or reign of the dictator in each country.
On the other hand, we saw the Islamic Movement and the Islamic Awakening bear fruit and flourish at the times of freedom and democracy, and in the wake of the collapse of imperial regimes that ruled people with fear and oppression. Therefore, I would not imagine that the Islamic Movement could support anything other than political freedom and democracy. The tyrants allowed every voice to be raised, except the voice of Islam; and let every trend express itself in the form of a political party or a body of some sort, except the Islamic current which is the only trend that actually speaks for this Ummah and expresses its creed, values ,essence and its very existence.
However, some Islamists still have their reservations on democracy and are even wary of the word 'democracy' itself. What I wish to stress here is that Islam is not democracy and democracy is not Islam. I would rather say that Islam is not attributed to any principle or system. Islam is unique in its means, ends and methodologies, and I do not wish that Western democracy be carried over to us with its bad ideologies and values without us adding to it from our values and ideologies in order to integrate it into our comprehensive system.
However, the tools and guaranties created by democracy are as close as can ever be to the realization of the political principles brought to this world by Islam to put a leash on the ambitions and whims of rulers. These principles are : shura , nasihah (advice), enjoining the good and forbidding the evil disobeying illegal orders, resisting unbelief and changing wrong by force when possible.
It is only in democracy and political freedom that the power of parliament is evident that people's deputies can withdraw confidence from any government that breaches the constitution. It is also only in such an environment that the strength of free press , free parliament, opposition and the masses is most felt.'
If you want to be respected : vote!
Allahou a’lam